Monday 16 January 2012

January 16th

Another lovely day, frosty and sunny. Working though so didn’t get out, although I did get to go to the gym for the first time in 2012/since my injury. I thought about the Look Around You series one event we attended at the BFI the other day, so I set out to find vids on youtube of “Experiment” a very odd but compelling Schools and Colleges TV programme from the 1970s / 80s.

It was narrated in a neutral, emotionless way by a vaguely cross sounding posh man. Clinical, detailed, no fuss. As I kid, if I was off school, I’d look forward to this programme for some reason! If I was ill, I’d be wrapped in a blanket in front of the telly watching any old Schools and Colleges programmes, I thought this was the best!

I wanted to find a vid that I could chuckle at, in light of Look Around You’s spoofs and to give me a nostalgia hit from my childhood. Unfortunately, I found a very disturbing one. I actually couldn’t watch it to the end. The poor locust in this episode is subjected to a number of painful indignities and tortures, I’m surprised they didn’t nail it to a little cross and make it walk to it’s own demise!

Makes me wonder if it all was entirely necessary? They know this experiment is tried and tested, let’s take it as read eh? Why subject an audience of children to the dismantling and dismembering of an innocent creature? Educational or not, the youtube clip is only for the strong of constitution!


Antenna circle,

Legs shorn, stuck down, cut open,

Science and torture.


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