Wednesday 4 July 2012

July 4th

with tongue flick eye blink

a snake in commuter grass

fang strike seat secured


I find the whole experience of commuting deeply unpleasant. It just highlights to me how self centred humanity is, or perhaps has become. The rush onto the train to grab what few seats remain, which although in isolation appears just a minor act, is fulfilled with such fervour and foaming mad intensity, that is genuinely unsettles me.

It just stinks of selfish competitiveness. The beady eyed horrible passengers reek. I don’t want to be near them.

People are ugly on the inside. I was looking round the carriage, people smacking gum, reading the newspaper, playing on their phones and I felt like shouting “WHY DON’T YOU ALL FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE!” which in itself amused me, as I’d labelled all of my fellow passengers as filth, which is clearly ridiculous, I’m sure someone was looking at me thinking the same thing. Luckily I’m far too polite and law abiding to ever have a Falling Down style meltdown :)

The Haiku I’ve written kind of pisses me off too, as I’ve anthropomorphised snakes, giving them values which only we humans possess. They’re just living their lives, trying to survive. It’s weird how we detach our own character flaws and offload them on animals or aliens in writing, to make ourselves feel better. The bible has a lot to answer for. Snakes have been persecuted for thousands of years. Yet we continue to assign morality and values to creatures who have no concept of them. This isn’t particularly fair!

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