Sunday 12 August 2012

August 12th

a hollow beauty

her dead mouth tasting nectar

sleeps on the flower

This dead bee (photo below) was still attached the flower she was gathering from. Her mouth fixed her to it, in a fragile thin bond. The breeze rocked her to and fro, but didn’t throw her off.

She may have been attacked of course, but there didn’t seem to be any damage to her, it seems she just died of exhaustion. There on the flower head in our garden.

Bee’s are so selfless. She’s another bumble bee, I’ve written about them more than once, their season is coming to an end. Her and her sisters will all die in the next few weeks. But their new queens, the queens they gave their lives for will emerge from their slumbers in the spring, to found new hives.

1 comment:

Klaudia said...

Beautiful :) Love it.